Deluxe Edition - the full session

1/2/2019 We have decided to release all the songs recorded at the full session from the recordings for the Cape Jazz Piano project. The album which was released as a CD, contained tracks from each of the selected pianists, but in April 2018 we in fact recorded more than we needed and we have subsequent to the CD release, decided to issue the full session for fans. The new edition is called Cape Jazz Piano - Deluxe Edition . It contains 14 tracks and a unique digital booklet. You only get the booklet if you download the full album. We have also re-worked the front cover to make it distinguishable from the original edition. First draft of the Deluxe Edition cover. We have added CT BLUES, arranged and played by KYLE SHEPHERD to the Deluxe version. The idea for Cape Jazz Piano (CJP) was not to include tracks issued on previous CDs in the series where possible. CT BLUES was recorded by Basil Coetzee and Sabenza and has since become a Cape Jazz standard, but it was on V...